Guide to Sprinkler Heads and Coverage

As Dallas lawn sprinkler experts, we understand the importance of keeping your precious green space thriving, especially under the Texas sun. Choosing the right sprinkler heads is crucial for efficient watering and a healthy lawn. Today, we’ll delve into the different types of sprinkler heads, their coverage patterns, and where each shines:

Spray Heads:

Types: Fixed-spray, multi-stream

Spray heads are the workhorses of many sprinkler systems, offering efficient and versatile watering for various lawn shapes and sizes. Let’s explore the diverse world of spray heads in greater detail:

Types of Spray Heads:

Fixed-spray heads: These classic heads offer a single, circular spray pattern in full, half, or quarter circles. They are:

Water-efficient: Ideal for established lawns as they deliver water directly to the ground with minimal evaporation.
Simple to adjust: Rotation adjustments allow you to fine-tune the spray radius, ensuring efficient coverage within your desired area.
Limited adjustability: The spray pattern and throw distance are fixed, making them less suitable for uneven terrain or irregular shapes.
Multi-stream spray heads: These innovative heads boast multiple smaller streams that gently shower the lawn. They are:

Perfect for slopes: The slower, multi-stream delivery minimizes water runoff on sloped or uneven terrain.
Reduced evaporation: The smaller water droplets experience less evaporation, maximizing water efficiency.
Adjustable: Some models allow you to adjust the spray pattern and radius, offering greater flexibility.
Choosing the Right Spray Head:

Full vs. Half vs. Quarter Circle:
Full circle: Ideal for open areas where you need 360-degree coverage, like circular lawns or large rectangular sections.
Half circle: Perfect for watering along edges, borders, or alongside walkways where you don’t want to spray buildings or hardscapes.
Quarter circle: Used for corners or tight spaces where only a specific area needs watering.
Spray Radius: Consider the size of the area you need to cover. Choose heads with a radius that matches your desired coverage area, avoiding overspray onto driveways or sidewalks.
Flow Rate: Choose heads with a flow rate that matches your system’s water pressure and ensures even distribution without creating puddles. Consult your sprinkler system manual or an irrigation professional for guidance.

Additional Tips:

Head spacing: Spacing between spray heads should be slightly less than the radius to ensure proper overlap and avoid dry spots.
Pop-up vs. stationary: Pop-up heads retract when not in use, maintaining a clean lawn aesthetic and avoiding damage from lawnmowers.
Pressure regulation: For uneven water pressure across your lawn, consider using pressure regulators on individual heads to ensure consistent flow.

Rotary Heads – Powerhouse Performers for Large Lawns

Rotary heads are the go-to solution for watering large or irregularly shaped lawns. Their rotating nozzles deliver a powerful stream of water, efficiently covering vast areas and tackling watering challenges:

Types of Rotary Heads:

Mechanism: Utilize gears for smooth, quiet rotation, offering:
Even distribution: Ensures consistent water delivery across the entire coverage area, minimizing dry spots.
Water efficiency: Precise application reduces water waste through overspray or evaporation.
Adjustable: Many models allow you to fine-tune the spray pattern (full, partial circle, or even specific shapes) and radius.
Mechanism: Rely on an impact arm that strikes a deflector, creating a powerful, pulsating spray:
Large coverage: Suitable for watering extensive areas due to their potent throw distance.
Wind resistance: Effective in windy conditions where other heads might struggle to maintain consistent coverage.
Higher water usage: Due to their powerful nature, they may use slightly more water compared to gear-driven heads.
Choosing the Right Rotary Head:

Coverage Area: Consider the size and shape of the area you need to water. Full-circle heads are best for open areas, while partial circle heads are ideal for watering along edges or around obstacles.
Throw Distance: Choose a head with a throw distance that covers the desired area without overspray. Overlap between heads is necessary to ensure even coverage, so factor this in while choosing throw distance.
Water Pressure: Rotary heads typically require higher water pressure compared to spray heads. Ensure your system’s pressure meets the chosen head’s requirements for optimal performance.
Additional Considerations:

Head spacing: Similar to spray heads, spacing should be slightly less than the throw distance to guarantee proper overlap and avoid dry spots.
Nozzle selection: Many rotary heads offer interchangeable nozzles with varying throw distances and patterns. This allows you to customize the watering based on specific areas within your lawn.
Durability: Opt for heads built with high-quality materials like brass or stainless steel for reliable performance and long-lasting use.

Bubbler Heads -Targeted Watering Champions for Delicate Plants

Bubbler heads, also known as micro-sprinklers, are the unsung heroes of efficient watering, specifically designed for targeted irrigation around trees, shrubs, and flower beds. Unlike traditional spray heads that disperse water in a wide pattern, bubblers deliver a slow, gentle stream directly to the plant’s root zone:

Benefits of Bubbler Heads:

Reduced water waste: By focusing water directly on the root zone, bubblers minimize evaporation and overspray, preventing water waste on sidewalks, driveways, or unwanted areas.
Promotes healthy plant growth: The slow, steady flow encourages deep root development and avoids damaging soil erosion around delicate plants.
Prevents waterlogging: Unlike sprinklers that can drench the entire area, bubblers deliver water precisely where needed, reducing the risk of root rot or fungal diseases caused by waterlogged soil.

Installing bubbler heads is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to follow proper steps to ensure optimal performance:


Bubbler heads with appropriate flow rate (consult a professional for guidance)
Drip irrigation tubing (size compatible with your system)
Barbed fittings or compression fittings (to connect tubing to bubbler and water source)
Teflon tape (optional, for additional leak prevention)
Utility knife or pruning shears
Shovel or garden trowel

Plan the layout: Determine the placement of bubbler heads based on the location of your plants and ensure proper coverage for their root zones.
Cut the tubing: Measure and cut the drip irrigation tubing to the desired lengths, connecting them to the main water source using appropriate fittings.
Install the bubblers: Insert the barbed end of the tubing into the inlet of the bubbler head. If using compression fittings, follow the specific instructions for secure attachment.
Wrap Teflon tape (optional): For added security, you can wrap Teflon tape around the threaded connections before tightening the fittings.
Dig the planting holes (if needed): Depending on the type of bubbler head, you might need to create small trenches or holes for placement at the base of the plants.
Secure the bubblers: Gently push the bubbler stakes (if applicable) into the ground or carefully position them within the dug holes, ensuring stability.
Adjust the flow: Many bubbler heads offer adjustable flow rates. Use a small screwdriver or a knob to fine-tune the water output based on the individual plant’s needs.
Test and adjust: Turn on the water supply and observe the bubblers for proper operation. Adjust the positioning or flow rate if necessary to achieve targeted watering.

Additional Tips:

Pressure regulation: If your water pressure is high, consider using pressure regulators on individual bubblers to ensure a slow, controlled flow.
Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants after installation. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and
further optimize water use.

Consulting a professional sprinkler contractor like Sprinkler Bros is the best way to ensure you choose the right sprinkler heads and optimize your lawn’s watering needs. Call us today – we can assess your specific landscape, water pressure, and budget to recommend the perfect solution for a healthy, vibrant Dallas backyard.

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